ISKCON Disciples Course

GBC Resolution from 2014  -  Please read this file HERE

The ISKCON Disciples Course is a training program which deepens devotees understanding of guru tattva and guru padasraya within the multiple guru environment of ISKCON. Designed for new devotees preparing to take initiation in ISKCON, the course is also recommended for leaders, preachers councilors and educators in ISKCON. The course was developed under the direction of the Guru Services Committee, with the combined efforts of leading educators in ISKCON. The course is based on the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and current ISKCON Law and gives reference to the writings from the broader Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition. The 14 lessons include Powerpoint presentations, interactive workshops and assessment exercises.

The ISKCON Disciple Course is designed so that your time zone is not of primary importance. You just move along the materials to be found on the Web pages. During the course we will meet for two or three live Q. & A. sessions, but we decide on the timings together so that the majority of participants will have the opportunity to take part.

Additional facilitators: Anuttama dasa, Ravindra Svarupa dasa and Yadunandana Swami.

Important: graduating from the online ISKCON Disciples Course does not gives a qualification for teaching the onsite course. For that student needs to attend and pass a live sit in campus course.

For more info please visit this link

Self study ISKCON Disciples Course

Self-study ISKCON Disciple Course (IDC) is taken without the presence of a teacher in the online classroom as opposed to regular IDC. It is suitable for devotees who already have substantial knowledge of guru-disciple relationships or those who have local mentors who can help them if there is something unclear. The main advantage of taking IDC in self-study mode is the ability to study at the student's own pace, when it suits him/her during the year, without the deadlines.